Mr. Graham Charles is 10 months old today! Where does the time go?
Its been a big month for Graham in the "motor development" department. We went from just starting to crawl to speed crawling in a matter of days...from not sitting well on his own to pulling up on everything...from rolling around on the ground to cruising around furniture!
He is so proud of himself when he gets to what he wants - he gives the biggest grins and giggles! Graham is also a clapping machine! He claps when he is excited, when is is proud of himself, and sometime just to pass the time. He loves to play with Griff's workbench and with Avery's kitchen. (He can stand at each of them and there are lots of pieces to pick up and bang around. ) He is getting braver everyday and has even started letting go of the furniture and standing on his own for 4-5 seconds at a time. I bet we have another early walker...
Graham has already had multiple small bruises to his forehead, 2 busted lips, and a scratch down his forehead. (all of these have been self-inflicted!) I must admit that after Griffin's toddlerhood, I think I can handle anything in this department! This is a picture of Griffin at 10 months old -this was only one of the several times that I cried when Griff fell...
Graham loves to eat. He went through about a 2 week stretch of only wanting to feed himself - which was hard since there aren't a ton of things he can actually eat yet...but thankfully, he is letting me spoon feed him again! We've added cottage cheese and yogurt to his "pureed" selection this month. He loves puffs, cheerios, banana, graham crackers, mum mums, pancakes, toast, avocado, salmon, and cheese. He currently has 6 teeth but I think that 2 more bottom teeth are on their we'll continue to add food as the teeth come!
Graham is a great napper - sleeps at least 1 1/2 -2 hours in the AM and PM. But his nighttime sleeping patterns change continuously, based on the ear infection status. (normally 1 good week, 2 bad weeks, 3-4 sleep re-training nights; repeat cycle.) He has had 5, yes 5, ear infections in the last 4 months. We are holding our breath that we can remain ear-infection free until our ENT appointment on March 4!
Graham continues to be super smiley and very laid back. He seems to adapt well to new places and people. Avery and Griffin make him laugh and smile more than anything or anyone. He loves to play patty cake and peek-a-book makes him belly laugh sometimes. He's been such a joy and we are loving watching his little personality emerge!