Thursday, September 17, 2009

Update from Tuesday

Many of you have been asking for an update on the here it is: as of Tuesday, all of our hardwoods had been ripped up and they were starting to lay the new wood down....there was controversy over the type of wood we had so it was a slow day - they started, then stopped, and restarted! (they decided that we previously had one type of wood in the living room and a different type in the play room...) And on top of that, one of the guys cut through his fingers on the saw while here working!

My nerves are holding up much better than expected! I've kept the kids out all morning then brought them home for a quick lunch and then thrown them in bed...and somehow they have actually slept through nail guns and hammering! And I've had to get creative for afternoon ideas to get out of the house as well. But we're surviving!


  1. thanks for the update. i'm so glad things will be getting back to normal soon... in 2ish weeks, it sounds like...

  2. It is looking good! I know you will be happy when all is back to normal.
