Sunday, November 21, 2010

Griffin's Birthday Party

Yesterday we celebrated Griffin's 3rd birthday with a "Spiderman" party at the Little Gym. When thinking about what to do for his birthday, Brent and I thought the Little Gym sounded perfect for Griffin - its a large room, floors covered in padded mats, with lots of things to climb on, jump off, swing on, run around....sounds like a Griffin heaven! We had about 15 kids and everyone seemed to have a blast. We had 2 pooped out kiddos by bedtime!
Griffin knew he was having a party and we had talked about everyone we were inviting...but I don't think he really "got" it...because every time a friend came in the door, he'd look at them as if surprised and say "What are you doing at my birthday party?" He was so excited to see his friends!

Griffin going full speed ahead...note the tongue of those things both Avery and Griffin got from their father...

taking a short break from the running around...
(Bryce, Ellie, Hannah, Griffin, Emma, Leslie, Emma, Aiden)

Gammy and Graham

working on his balance

some of the men

Leslie and Griffin, having a serious conversation

one little monkey
mommy and Griffin, getting wrapped up in the parachute

Yummy Spiderman cupcakes!

Happy Birthday Griffin!


  1. What a Cool Party :). I think we need a room like that at our house!

  2. soooo cute! and the cupcakes are awesome.

  3. The cupcakes look great! That is a perfect place for our little Griffy! Happy Birthday Kido!!!!
