Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"things i'm loving lately"

this post is a tribute to my sister in law hannah. she is queen of blogging and inspires me! she recently posted a "things i'm loving lately" list and it helped focus on all the fun things in life....

1. My yard - we have lots of trees with great shade so its been so nice to be able to be outside with the kids....and our deck has an awesome lattice roof ....brent and i have even been able to sit on the deck and read a few times recently...
2. Yard work - we walked into home depot's gardening center a few weeks ago and i had a relaxing "air" roll over me immediately! i realize that sounds weird, but i love love love working in the yard - planting flowers, mulching, fertilizing, everything! I think its really therapeutic for me! i didn't do much in our old yard last summer since we were moving and didn't get much done here once we moved in august so i guess i had just missed playing in the dirt!

3. Reading - i can't list a specific book because i'm about to finish my 3rd book in 3 weeks!!! how i find time to read, i'm not sure! nap times and evenings i guess. brents mom sent me home from our visit with about 8 fiction books that she had i'm speeding through them!

4. The LOFT - i don't buy many clothes but i love to look! and this is my favorite place to look these days. (i did buy 2 new shirts during their last sale...)
5. My children are playing together - its the beginning of a fun phase - i still referee a lot - but they've been playing for about 30 minutes now - "packing bags to go to school," taking the baby dolls to the "pool,"etc. its fun to watch!
I 'ld love for you to share "what you're loving" with me!!!


  1. this is a great list and i love the pictures!!! i'm so glad that you're able to enjoy your yard and reading amidst your busy life! this was a fun glimpse into your life and who you are, merritt. great post!

  2. I'm loving having friends that "get it" and don't mind a screaming toddler. :)

  3. I love the look of your back yard. It's looks loved. Sorry I forgot to give you the zinnia seeds. Mine are really getting big and looking forward to the flowers. I'm glad that you're enjoying the books.
    I'm loving that school is 15 days away from being out and I don't have to go back!

  4. yard work? Surely you jest. Don't you remember how many times I pulled all the weeds in the blue-rug junipers because you whined and somehow got out of it? I cant even count that high.

  5. doons, i was actually having flashbacks as i spread pinestraw - remembering how sometimes we saved the strings off the bales we spread to prove who spread the most....
