Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Avery's dance class had their holiday "show" today - they invite families in for the last 10 minutes or so of class and perform a dance to a Christmas song. No real costumes or anything - just some "props" provide by the studio. Their song was Walking in a Winter Wonderland.

Avery loves to perform and be center stage...however, she currently has strep throat and isn't feeling I'm thankful I took these pictures during the first half of her dance...because her Santa hat fell off mid-way through and she started crying and never recovered!
what a doll! makes me excited for her recital this year!

About mid-way thru the performance, I looked over at Graham and he was virtually doing sit-ups in his car seat so that he could see the dancing!


  1. What cute pictures! You would never know that she was sick! Hope she is feeling better!

  2. Hope she feels better! Love the purple outfit!
