Tuesday, March 31, 2009

We're still alive...BARELY!!

So its been a week since i've blogged last...but didn't want you to think i've given up on blogging...its just that the parnell household has been hit hard!

We are now going on day 12 of both kids having bad colds with lots of snot : ) ...both have had fevers off and on since the onset...both have wanted constant holding...i've been giving tylenol and motrin around the clock...i've had griffy at the doctor twice and yesterday they discovered he had an ear infection and was started on antibiotics...(after his nap he kept just screaming and crying and want up, but as soon as i held him he squirmed down and layed on the floor crying...soon we were both in tears so i called the MD out of desperation...)and if all that isn't bad enough, both kids started having diarrhea and the stomach bug last night!! so now i'm up to my elbows in snot and poop!!!

not to be a total downer though- here are some positives...brent felt bad enough for me that he brought me flowers on friday. beautiful red tulips. and i got to have a girls night out on friday with our new small group from church - i loved sitting down to a meal that i didn't cook and one that i actually got to enjoy and that i could carry on whole conversations with grownups!!!

i'll be back to blogging once we are healthy again!


  1. ew, sorry so icky over there! you are such a strong woman!

  2. I hope that Griffy and Avery are better soon!
    Sounds pretty rough around there.
