Thursday, December 17, 2009

Avery's First Dance Performance

Avery had a little "holiday show" during her dance class today. Her class (only 5 girls) performed 2 songs in front of their parents. They did their "warm up song" and then Frosty the Snowman. Avery had an absolute blast and smiled the entire time. I was impressed that she actually knew the motions and steps and did them - when she wasn't distracted by something else! She was quite the performer and loved every minute of it. Brent was able to come for the performance so she was thrilled.

shaking her stuff

following miss kaylee's lead

avery and katelyn during Frosty

katelyn, avery, and carter

daddy brought her flowers - who knew that he knew to do that!!!


  1. How precious!! Avery you look too cute and I can tell you were doing a great job dancing! You have a special daddy to bring you flowers!

  2. aw, sooo sweet! she is amazing! i love that she smiled the whole time!

  3. Hannah, it was a knowing smile! She knew she was performing and we were watching! This was truly her moment and she took advantage of it. It was hysterical!

  4. What a beautiful girl! Tell Avery Aunt Cara is proud of her, I see her pretty Lipstick :). Impressive Daddy to bring flowers!

  5. she is getting SO big! tell her I said she looks gorgeous! thanks merritt!

  6. this is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Tell her Tyler says hi and still talks about her....
